BS1 and John Roman in collaboration?! Hell yeah this is a first class combination like the result – two massive originals. The man from Canada and the Italian duo really don’t need some kind of introduction. Both tracks Dumbbell and Barbell are tremendous, you know I love and support it, that’s why it is here on my page. But to get a little insight, here’s what the Blood Music label-head Fake Blood said about Dumbbell, my personal favourite:
“Hollow sounds, playground noises, subdued klonks. Then BOOM – the broken bells play the disjointed melody, and the skeletons dance in line. The needle sticks, echoes rise, and we’re off again. KICK CLAP KICK CLAP. And you’ve got the whole dance doing a Thriller zombie shuffle in unison.”
… about Barbell, which is just some points behind my fav:
“A low-slung roller, propelled along by dusty hi-hats, meaty claps, and a heavy kick. The main riff is a percussive rallying call played on metallic logs, the intensity gradually rising with the sound of an alien bird trapped inside a train.”
… and last but not least, the remix of Dumbbell by London based LeBreton:
“The Jersey boy lifts the tempo a little, bouncing the broken bell around a pinball machine of his trademark drumwork, and a corrugated bass that sounds like you’re standing inside a game of Space Invaders.”
The EP is out on Blood Music and available at any good stores, here are some: Beatport, Juno, Track It Down, What People Play, iTunes US. And don’t miss the heavy-hitter below called It’s All Wood, it’s free – enjoy!
2. BS1 & John Roman – Barbell
3. BS1 & John Roman – Dumbbell (LeBreton Remix)