Filed under General, Mixtapes, Music

Mustard Pimp – Catastrophe Mixtape Series Vol 3

Cool new mixtape from Mustard Pimp with a little competition! “The new Catastrophe mixtape is out now! This time no playlist because we are organizing a small contest out of it! The first to find out the playlist will win a MP shirt,stickers and a surprise gift. Here’s a preview of the shirt: http://mustardpimp.bigcartel.com/. For your information the mixtape contains 34 tracks.Some are easy to find,some other will give you a bit more challenge. Please post your playlist submission to the comments. Good luck and have fun!

So go here and leave your TL!


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  1. Tweets that mention Mustard Pimp – Catastrophe Mixtape Series Vol 3 | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on November 1
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lorenz, Lorenz. Lorenz said: [New Post] Mustard Pimp - Catastrophe Mixtape Series Vol 3 - Cool new mixtape from Must... - http://bit.ly/aRDQco [...]