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T-E-E-D x Anna Lunoe – Feels Like

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs

Between his work for the second album and the launch of his new label Nice Age, Orlando Higginbottom aka Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs just released together with the LA based DJ, producer and radio host Anna Lunoe, a new track called Feels Like. The UK magician, who just made some brilliant remixes for Disclosure or my all time favourite for DJ Zinc‘s Only For Tonight, just to name a few, said the following about Nice Age:

Nice Age is a record label, fashion label, party label and sticky label. There isn’t a plan, this is just a way of putting out music, clothes and whatever I want under one name. Look out for the chess set.

Be sure to grab Feels Like and/or the club-oriented dub version on iTunes. Enjoy!

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs x Anna Lunoe – Feels Like
T–E–E–D x Anna Lunoe – Feels Like
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T-E-E-D x Anna Lunoe – Feels Like

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More Info’s:

T-E-E-D on Facebook T-E-E-D on Soundcloud T-E-E-D on Twitter Anna Lunoe on Facebook Anna Lunoe on Soundcloud Anna Lunoe on Twitter