Filed under General, Mixtapes, Music

Ostblockschlampen – Animal Style Mixtape

Yeahh finally Ostblockschlampen, you know – formed by Markus Lange and Djane Vanille, unleashed their new promomix today! A must-have for all of you! Enjoy!

? ? Ostblockschlampen – Animal Style Mixtape [save as]


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Not yet but we can try to make our own! Any suggestions via comments!

More Info’s:
Ostblockschlampen on Facebook | Myspace | Twitter | Soundcloud | the Blog

  1. BimTaks commented on April 7
  2. Flatsch commented on April 7
    Thx 4 sharing! Kommts nur mir so vor, oder is die Aufnahme bisl übersteuert? Vllt muss das ja auch so, oder ich bin heut einfach dumm, oder meine Ohren. Wer weiss.
  3. l0r3nz commented on April 7
  4. l0r3nz commented on April 7
    gute Frage, konnte es bisher noch gar nicht hören :D aber jetzt gehts los ;)
  5. Flatsch commented on April 7
    aber ansonsten, einfach nur Bombe das Teil!
  6. l0r3nz commented on April 7
    bzgl. übersteuern bin gerade bei min 37 ca und ja da hört es sich so an.
  7. Mazine commented on April 8
    1. Jan Driver - Rattlesteak (Original) 2. --- 3. --- !!! 4. --- 5. Twist It - Funky Monkey (Funkin Matt Remix) 6. --- 7. Autoerotique - Turn up the Volume (Original) 8. Setz - Noize (Original) 9. Tai & Steve Aoki - Paradise Poltergeist (LA Riots Remix) 10. Bart B More - Gilles (Original) 11. --- 12. Peace Treaty - Funk in da Ganja (Original) 13. --- 14. Bart B More - Listen to this (Original) 15. Tai - Beatdown (Original) 16. --- 17. --- 18. --- 19. Veron & Praia De Sol ft. Bizzey - Sleazy 2010 (Bassjackers Remix) 20. --- 21. Maurizio Gubellini - 5 Seconds (Dero Mobile Hero Mix) 22. Maurizio Gubellini - 5 Seconds (MG Vocal Mix) 23. Schlachthofbronx - Chambacu (Original) 24. Dan Aux - Mosquito (Peace Treaty Remix) 25. --- 26. --- 27. Beat and Bang - Hunger (Original) 28. --- 29. --- 30. --- 31. --- !!! 32. Malente vs. Azzido da Bass - They're Killing It 33. --- 34. --- 35. Tai & Dim - Glass (Original) 36. ---
  8. dj sierra commented on April 10
    2 - Bingo Players - Lame Brained (Original Mix)
  9. dj sierra commented on April 10
    3 - i don't remember the name, but i'm looking for 4 - Twist It! - Funky Monkey (Wolfie Remix)
  10. Ostblockschlampen Animal Style DJ-set : BimTaks commented on April 11
    [...] = 'wpp-254'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};Ostblockschlampen is a German (thnx Lor3nz!) DJ duo and they aren’t in the game to make ‘lovely’ music. Just like Enrique [...]
  11. Beeathoven commented on May 5
    3 oder 4 müsste T.T. Hacky - So Saxy (Tonyboy's Fluo Flash Freak Remix) sein (; und es sind noch sehr viele tracks von der MIAMI NOIZE platte dabei ;))
  12. Benjamin Amos commented on December 24
    01. Jan Driver - Rattlesteak (Original Mix) 02. Tonic - Go Low (Original Mix) 03. Bingo Players - Lame brained 04. Djedjotronic - Fritz (Original Mix) 05. Twist It -- Funky Monkey (Funkin Matt Remix) 06. T.T. Hacky - So Saxy (TONYBOY's Fluo Flash Freak Remix) 07. Autoerotique - Turn Up The Volume 08. Audiopilot - Jungle Fever 09. Tai feat. Steve Aoki - Paradise Poltergeist (LA Riots Remix) 10. Bart B More - Gilles 11. Alex De Vito - My Sound (Olav Basoski Remix) 12. Peacetreaty - Funk in a Ganja 13. Les Petits Pilous - Lazy Rider (Original) 14. Bart B More & Harvard Bass - Listen To This 15. Tai - BeatDown 16. ID - ID 17. Zombie Nation - Chickflick (Boris Dlugosch Remix) 18. Mr Blink - Gecko (Burns' Start-Stop Remix) 19. Veron & Praia De Sol ft. Bizzey -- Sleazy 2010 (Bassjackers Remix) 20. ID - ID 21. Maurizio Gubellini -- 5 Seconds (Dero Mobile Hero Mix) 22. Maurizio Gubellini -- 5 Seconds (MG Vocal Mix) 23. Schlachthofbronx -- Chambacu 24. Dan Aux -- Mosquito (Peace Treaty Remix) 25. Swanky Tunes - Across the Light (PeaceTreaty Remix) 26. Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (Afrojack Ducky Mix) 27. ID - ID 28. Beat and Bang -- Hunger (Original) 29. The Subs - Mitsubitchi (Original Mix) 30. ID - ID 31. YTTERSKANK - GIDDY (BOO REMIX) 32. Malente vs. Azzido da Bass -- They're Killing It 33. Housemeister - Get Naked (Original) 34. ID - ID 35. ID - ID 36. Tai & Dim -- Glass (Original) 37. ID - ID
  13. l0r3nz commented on December 27
    Thanks mate :)