Filed under General, Music

Justice – Civilization

Okay, this is finally the full version of Justice new single “Civilization” which hits iTunes today! Hmm what should I say, if I heared first the adidas commercial I thought okay, this could be really cool! Deep and new sounds, but the final version, I guess for me it’s to soft. Not the expected big track!

Maybe I like it more when I hear it a few times but hmm… Anyway it’s good. We should wait till we can hear the rest of the Album. Okay during I write these words I love it more and more… Crazy! Give it a listen and don’t forget the Q.G. Remix which is nasty and more powerfull! What do you think about it?

? Justice – Civilization
Civilization ? Justice – Civilization (Q.G. Remix)
Civilization (Q.G. Remix) Support them on iTunes. Enjoy!

More Info’s:
Justice | Q.G.

  1. Katy commented on March 31
    Full, 320, Very Fast http://www.filesonic.com/file/419646304