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Attack 1985 – Intruder EP

ATTACK1985 are 2 producers from Germany. Their EP on Mako Records titled ‘Intruder’ features two original bomb tracks, as well as remixes from Mako present resident The Mould, Felix Yeah!, and Aerotronic. Enjoy!


1. Intruder
2. U-101
3. Intruder (Felix Yeah! Rmx)
4. Intruder (The Mould Rmx)
5. Intruder (Aerotronic Rmx) [click on the pic] Attack1985 – Intruder (Aerotronic Remix)

Supported by: Mr. Oizo, Mixhell, Das Glowm, Matt Walsh, AC Slater, Autodidakt, Gooseflesh, Destructo, Tony Anthun, Marseille, Julien Minet (Boxon Rec), Aerotronic and many more…

Buy the MASSIVE EP here on BEATPORT!

Attack 1985 | Aerotronic

  1. Tweets that mention Attack 1985 – Intruder EP | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on December 6
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lauro Aerotronic, Lorenz. Lorenz said: @attack1985 - Intruder (@Aerotronic Remix) and here for listen the preview :) https://www.l0r3nz-music.net/2010/11/attack-1985-intruder-ep/ [...]