I really have no idea who One Track Brain is or where he comes from, but I know all the techno-lovers will love the following two tracks. “Messiah / Don’t Do It” is the first EP on his own OTB Records and is certain to set him on his way to worldwide recognition.
Messiah is defined by a really amped up kick drum, vocal shots that are oftentimes indistinguishable yet nicely melodic and a big screaming lead line that transports you back to the glory days of electro. While Don’t Do It is more of a straight-laced techno number characterised by distorted stabs, snippets of cool vocals and shuffling hats. This two track EP is raw sounding, gritty and tasteful techno. Vinyl and digital relase will be the 17th November – you can pre-order you 12″ here. Enjoy!