It’s the fourth edition of the Boysnoize Records compilation featuring the who is who of the BNR roster, label friends and some new comers. Sure I’m talking about Miami Noize 4, which brought us some of the greatest and most played tracks in the past years. This year it comes with acts like Audionite, Bart B More, Baskerville, BS1, D.I.M, Djedjotronic, Etnik, Housemeister, Jan Driver, SCNTST, Strip Steve & Ben Mono and sure with the boss himself Boys Noize.
If I had to choose some tracks out of this whole compilation, my choice would be “Clamz”, “Mists Of Time”, “Sun King” and why? Because I love to be surprised by new and fresh sounds. Don’t get me wrong the other tracks like “Checker” or “Scoping” are great too but it’s just that certain something. So you can see that it’s a tough decision, that’s why Miami Noize is an institution in the scene and set a very high standard.
Be sure to support the artists and simply get the whole compilation here on Beatport.
2. Brad Lamborghini and JOHN G – Kernkraft 7000? (Boys Noize EDIT)
3. Djedjotronic – Clamz
4. Etnik – Celsius
5. Jan Driver – Meow
6. Bart B More – Bounce Back
7. Housemeister – Disko Restart
8. Baskerville – Checker
9. Strip Steve & Ben Mono – Whut
10. BS1 – Mists Of Time
11. Audionite – Snype
12. SCNTST – Sun King

More Info’s:
Audionite on FacebookBart B More on FacebookBaskerville on FacebookBS1 on FacebookD.I.M on Facebook
Djedjotronic on FacebookEtnik on FacebookHousemeister on FacebookJan Driver on FacebookSCNTST on FacebookStrip Steve on FacebookBen Mono on FacebookBoys Noize on Facebook