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Tom Deluxx – Run EP

Check the new Tom Deluxx EP!

Listening to the track “Run” by Tom Deluxx, we immediately feel his dark side. Already compared to the sound of The Bloody Beetroots and of Justice, the electro by Tom Deluxx is melodic, sometimes heavy, and especially effective.

Supported by: The Bloody Beetroots, TAI, The Shoes, Tsugi mag, Will Bailey, Street Life Djs, Designer Drugs, South Central, Larry Tee.

Tom Deluxx – “Run” (TEASER) by Boxon Records

You can find it on BEATPORT!

Tom Deluxx

  1. Tweets that mention Tom Deluxx – Run EP | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on June 10
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raphael Niemietz, Lorenz. Lorenz said: [New post] Tom Deluxx - Run EP http://bit.ly/9HfOEc [...]