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Ameling & Glauss MiniMix April 2010

Ameling & Glauss - MiniMix April 2010

Check the new Promomix from my dudes Ameling & Glauss! Enjoy…!


1. Teenage Bad Girl – Cocotte (Boys Noize Remix)
2. Mightyfools – Living the Life!
3. Sound of Stereo – Zipper
4. Chris Kaeser – Whos In The House
5. Afrojack – Bangduck
6. Markus Lange & Stereofunk – Dr. Manhattan
7. GTRONIC – Iron Man
8. Les Petite Pilous – Housi
9. Kora – Burning (Dan Aux´s 2010 Way Crazies! RMX)
10. Sound of Stereo – Velcro
11. Fake Blood – I think i lick it (Dan Aux Mash Up)


Ameling & Glauss

  1. Tweets that mention Ameling & Glauss MiniMix April 2010 | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on April 7
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ameling & Glauß, Lorenz. Lorenz said: [Post Edited] Ameling & Glauss MiniMix April 2010 http://bit.ly/ar7oKC [...]
  2. uberVU - social comments commented on April 9
    Social comments and analytics for this post... This post was mentioned on Twitter by l0r3nzd: [New post] Ameling & Glauss MiniMix April 2010 http://bit.ly/ar7oKC...