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Zombie Nation – A Night at the Zoo EP

Zombie Nation

Zombie Nation

Some things are unexplainable. Everytime there’s something new from Zombie Nation, I’m going to be excited. Sure he’s not only a really nice guy and thoroughly a musician but his music give me something.

Maybe it’s because I can see him in his studio, jamming around with his gear, like he showed us in his “day of many” video streams. Which, if Florian read this, should be repeated please. Or it’s because he is anything but this social media monster, if you know what I mean. Anyway, both originals A Night at the Zoo and Triple Glazed are the result of an analogue-jam and I’m sure you can hear it. Crisply kicks, melodious vibes, even some vocal cuts. I’m in love with both tracks.

The EP is already out on his own UKW Records, be sure to grab it on Beatport or iTunes. Hopefully it won’t last too long until he shows us his next work. Enjoy!

Zombie Nation – A Night at the Zoo EP
Zombie Nation – A Night at the Zoo EP
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More Info’s:

Zombie Nation on Facebook Zombie Nation on Soundcloud Zombie Nation on Twitter Zombie Nation on Beatport