The Paris based disc jockey and producer Borussia shared his latest track RPM Jam 3 as a free download and yes it is catchy as f**k! Recently featured by Pedro “Busy P” Winter in his last radio show for Le Mouv alongside Aphex Twins, Boys Noize, Buston Bun and many more. Grab this tune for free below!

And in case you’ve missed this – the more rougher version was released on Top Billin as the second part of their “Jack Of Clubs” series. No matter if it’s out since two months or more, this is a real bomb of a song! SO be sure to grab it on Beatport, iTunes or Juno.
“Jack Of Clubs is our new series for new club music highlights. Jack Of Clubs is not only the most jacking club music, Jack of Clubs is a track that doesn’t require a b-side.” – Top Billin.