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The Moon – Blow The Speakers (Mumbai Science Edit) [Free DL]

Mumbai Science

Mumbai Science

After releasing their excellent debut LP called “Déjà Vu”, the two Belgian just give away an also excellent free track. Blow The Speakers from The Moon was actually released back in 2000 and claimed to be a Belgian cult-record. Guest vocalist April Rose (also known from “Déjà Vu”) re-recorded the vocal samples. Combined with acidy basslines, loony echo’s and charming arpeggios, Blow The Speakers becomes somewhat more of a spiritual trip.

And seemingly, that’s what Mumbai Science is after. “In times of darkness and desperate need for guidance, people have always looked up to the skies. Maybe for a sign from the gods, a divine intervention to help them find the way.” explains Jonas. Get it now below for free and don’t miss their LP. Enjoy!

The Moon – Blow The Speakers (Mumbai Science Edit)
The Moon – Blow The Speakers (Mumbai Science Edit)
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Mumbai Science - Déjà Vu

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