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Kickstarter: Hanuman Tribe – Change Of Sound

Hanuman Tribe

Hanuman Tribe, the guys who made an amazing exclusive mix and interview back in 2012, working currently hard on their debut album. What do you need for an honorable lp? Sure – creativity, passion and the right skills. But what some not think about is simply, money. If you don’t only want to give away a digital download, you need money to bring your music on CD and/or Vinyl. And to top the whole thing off with a fine video, you need some more money.

Kickstarter, you’ve might hear about this platform, is an American-based private for-profit company founded in 2009 that provides tools to raise funds for creative projects via crowd funding through its website. So the two guys set up their own Project to relize the “Change of Sound” (17.07.13 physical / 27.07.13 digital release). Support them, realize their dream and make yourself happy with fine music and if you show them some more love, you can also get some goodies too.

For the past 5 years Hanuman Tribe has been a live act on the electronic music scene that has had releases on labels such as Freakz Me Out, Mähtrasher, Techno Changed My Life, Ayra Records, and our own small imprint Riot Riot Records.

Being a classically piano trained duo, whether writing music or performing a live show, our focus has been on the energy we can create. We love producing a massive sound and raising a euphoric feeling in the crowd.

For the last one and a half years we have been working on our début album – with the aim to take our music to the next level. We created a genre blending musical journey filled with deep vibes, spine tingling moments, stimulating pearls of techno, and forceful waves of synths and basses to boot.

We have gone through many different phases in our time, both as producers and as live performers. As a result, we’ve reflected on things in many different ways and interpreted them in a musical context – stylistically, technically and personally. We wanted to capture that.

The concentrated energy in clubs. The experimental spaces and the quiet and penetrative moments where we can live out our love for details. And our love for diversity & contrast.

Show Tracklist

Hanuman Tribe – Change Of Sound Intro
Blindspot – Eyes Wide Shut (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Rhytm Police – Cecilia (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
King The Fu – For The Doomed (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Schluck Den Druck – Im Rausch Mit Freunden (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Moment Musik – Boese Trommel (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
The Sexinvaders – Silent Heart (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Danijel Zambo feat. Eva Gold – You And Whose Party (Hanuman Tribe Remix)


On The Offshore – Circles (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Dub Á La Pub – Der Hund (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Misuk – Plärrerlied (Hanuman Tribe Remix)
Hanuman Tribe – Change Of Sound Theme Pt II

Hanuman Tribe – Change of Sound
Hanuman Tribe – Change Of Sound : Album Snippet

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Our approach to realise all these aspects and feelings was: to compose re-interpreted pieces from musicians within our circle of friends. That means we chose tracks from their bands, selected one or two elements – mostly the vocals – produced, arranged, and composed a complete new song… A CHANGE OF SOUND!

For all informations and rewards, go here to their project page. Support!

Hanuman Tribe on KickstarterHanuman Tribe on FacebookHanuman Tribe on SoundcloudHanuman Tribe on Beatport