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Handbraekes are Boys Noize & Mr.Oizo

2012 will start with a BIG BANG! If you follow Boys Noize and or Mr. Oizo you will know that both working together since a few months. In the following Mixmag Interview “SCENE SELECTION: BOYS NOIZE RECORDS” Alex announced the release for the upcoming Handbraekes (Handbrakes?) EP called “#1”. It will be the 23th January with four tracks and the first radio rip from Annie Mac’s BBC Radio One show are up for a listen. I’ve add also a video where Alex drops the bomb “Callgirls”.


1. Callgirls
2. Riho
3. The Qat
4. Milc

If there comes an official preview or more news you’ll get it here! Stay tuned! Enjoy!

? Handbraekes (Mr. Oizo & Boys Noize) – Callgirls (Radio Rip)

More Info’s:
Boys Noize | Mr. Oizo

  1. Jérôme Oudaer commented on December 18
    Sounds goood !!
  2. Dave_Snipe commented on December 27
    ...uha...gonna be big...
  3. l0r3nz commented on December 27
  4. Anonymous commented on December 27
  5. Mazi commented on January 24
    check it...download the entire thing here! http://maziarkazmi.blogspot.com/2012/01/release-feast_22.html
  6. Lorenz commented on January 24
    there's no download. anyway thanks ;)