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Chromeo – Hot Mess (Duck Sauce Remix)

Above it’s the original video for Chromeo’s “Hot Mess” which you should see in full length! But actually it’s about the two eccentrically heads from Duck Sauce! Formed by the names of Armand Van Helden and A-Trak! Well it is funny to introduce them cause you all know their “Barbra Streisand” hit. Chromeo, the two other eccentrically looking guys, going on tour and “Green Label Sound” gives the Duck Sauce Remix for free… A catchy tune with simple but intensive vocals. You will love it! Enjoy! Oh and by the way Duck Sauce are currently recording their first LP. BIG!

? Chromeo – Hot Mess (Duck Sauce Remix)
Hot Mess (Duck Sauce Remix) “…love breaking the chain!”

Duck Sauce | Chromeo

  1. Tweets that mention Chromeo – Hot Mess (Duck Sauce Remix) | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on January 6
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Martin Kirchner and Lorenz. Lorenz said: [BLOG] Chromeo - Hot Mess (Duck Sauce Remix) http://bit.ly/hQosKQ [...]