The Dutch New Cake label has always made an effort at giving new talent a shot at world fame. Sometimes you don’t have to look far to discover the talent is right amongst your friends. With great pride, New Cake presents you the Amsterdam based Doctr and his first full length E.P. “One for the Team!”.
? 01. One For The Team
01. One For The Team
The youngest addition to the New Cake Family, who no doubt has the shortest and most often misspelled name in showbiz, made a name for himself as drummer for punk/ska band “De Hardheid”, where he learned about composing and arranging tracks. In the summer of 2009, “De Hardheid” decided to take it easy for a while. Doctr, nonetheless, still felt the need to keep producing music. After purchasing a drum computer, he wiped the dust off his grandmothers keyboard and off he was. This soon led to Doctr DJ-ing his first ever DJ set during last years Amsterdam Dance Event, at the New Cake Label Night in the Winston.
? 02. Panicbill
02. Panicbill
Excited about this flying start, Doctr started spitting out self produced tracks with the speed of a machine gun. For this first full E.P., he had to kill dozens of darlings, only to put the bestest of the best on his E.P.
? 03. Surfing
03. Surfing
On his E.P. “One For The Team!” you will find five different songs, which still sound somewhat similar. Doctr has a clear explanation for this: “They were made by the same guy, hahaha”. Doctr states Will Bailey as one of his main influences; “Will has a super full sound and has lots of energy in his tracks”. The title track “One for the Team!” is a direct reference to a very short but very recognizable baseball sports theme used in the track. According to Doctr, it also refers to the team feeling that lives amongst the New Cake Family. Amsterdam based producer/DJ duo Excuses also did a remix for Panicbill, which will work great for all you Gameboy aficionados.
? 04. Lucky
04. Lucky
So what’s up next for Doctr? With his speed of producing mind-blowing tracks, the Doctr will be releasing his second full length E.P. on the 1st of October 2010, this time on the elusive Basserk Records. This second E.P. will be released on the New Cake/Basserk Night in OT301 in Amsterdam on that same date. As you can expect from Doctr, this E.P. will be packed with the essential medicine to build a solid party. Because in the end, we all know: “Everyone needs a Doctr”!
? 05. OMG LOL
You can download the EP for free by clicking here! Enjoy!
? 06. Panicbill (Excuses Remix)
06. Panicbill (Excuses Remix)