It is sunday and I had dedicate this post to The Subs! The guys from Belgium throw out there new EP “Vomit in Style”! I still remember I have lost a few words about that! The Video above is the song “From Dusk Till Dawn”! Futuremusic with a futurevideo!”Kiss My Trance” was released 2007 and got huuuge support by Boys Noize himself – rightly! Just enjoy the following Tracks and videos…
The Subs – Kiss My Trance
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=560 height=315 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false opfix=true ]
Boemklatsch Feat Faberyayo – Spikkeltjes (The Subs Remix)
Spikkeltjes (The Subs Remix)
The Subs – Vomit In Style
Vomit In Style
The Subs – Bang Bang Bang
Bang Bang Bang
OK guys don’t forget! If you like it visit there BEATPORT page and buy there tracks! Essential! 🙂
The Subs