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MMMatthias – The Q&A EP & Free Stuff

Got new, free stuff and some infos about MMMatthias. His initial foray into music production caused quite an impact in his native country, where for several years he was dropping the dopest beats for any number of successful hip-hop acts, including international MC Samy Deluxe on Virgin. And then, in 2008, the beats got faster and the synths got harder.

After switching up direction into something way more electro and dancefloor, the last 18 months has seen MMMatthias rise steadily through the nu-wave ranks with his tracks picking up plaudits like Kissy Sell Out & Azzido da Bass. Remixes of MGMT, Bloc Party & Digitalism have all received critical acclaim, you will regularly find his name sitting high up on the Hype Machine chart. He collaborated with Streetlife DJs on a remix of their Midrange 3 56 single and also has an ep forthcoming on Kiez Beats. He has djed throughout Europe.

And so to the EP, MMMatthias starts by asking you The Question, a question that is so beautifully put it evokes visions of a sunny spring sunrise and morning dew. A warm envelope of bottom end bass coupled with shiny top end synthesizer melodies, a tech house bomb which is simple, but stunningwhat a pleasant un-assuming chap MMMatthias must be.

Oh, we spoke too soon, here comes The Answer, and its something quite different. Its dark, its nasty, its noisy and its loud, beat heavy electro that gnarls its way through anything in sightmusic to mosh inside the devils pit. True colours?

Remixes come from Jo Kira who kicks some heavy ass (bassline/rave), Sam Watts goes cosmic (disco/house), Streetlife DJs get wonky (electro/rave), and Killer on the Dancefloor head to Carnival (tribal/house)

So if we ask the question, do YOU have the answer?

01: The Question (Original Mix)
02: The Question (Sam Watts Remix)
03: The Question (Jo Kira Remix)
04: The Answer (Killer On The Dancefloor Remix)
05: The Answer (Streetlife DJs Remix)
06: The Answer (Original Mix)

Grab the EP on Beatport or iTunes!

Now the Free Stuff!

Street Beats labelowners, the legendary Streetlife DJs, give away their Remix for “The Answer”, as well as Jo Kira’s take on “The Question” !!!

MMMatthias – The Answer (Streetlife DJs Remix)
The Answer (Streetlife DJ’s Remix)

MMMatthias – The Question (Jo Kira Remix)
The Question (Jo Kira Remix)

Aout6 – Don’t Care (MMMatthias Remix)
Don’t Care (MMMatthias Remix)

You can find the “Aout6 – Don’t Care EP” here or here!

MMMatthias, Streetlife DJs, Jo Kira

  1. Tweets that mention MMMatthias – The Q&A EP & Free Stuff | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on June 21
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lorenz, Lorenz. Lorenz said: [New Post] MMMatthias - The Q&A EP & Free Stuff - Got some new and free stuff fr... - http://bit.ly/9zyj4R [...]