5 Years Golden Toys

RAVEN? 12.06.2010! Mark it on your calender! The two boys from Golden Toys (one half is a little bit older as a “boy” ;)) gonne celebrate their 5-year-exist with there Friends and Fans! This will be a huge RAVEPARTY! If you want a current Liveset grab this from Sputnik Springbreak!

And don’t forget to check the first EP called “Party & Jive” with remixes from Aniki, Markus Lange & Vanilla, Deejay Divinity & Bass Ventura! Don Rimini plays it in his new OMGITM MIX and the EP got huge support from many other artist like Adam Sky, Malente, Larry Tee, Kelevra, Kissy Sell Out (BBC Radio 1), Autodidakt … too!

Golden Toys – Party & Jive
Party and Jive Original Teaser


    MAIN­FLOOR – VJ Ani­ma­ti­on by Re­ti­na Error

    MA­LEN­TE & DEX (Ex­ploi­ted Re­cords, Dim Mak, Ham­burg)
    MAX­CHER­RY (Lo­ony­land, Freaks me Out, Dort­mund)
    Gol­den Toys *Neo Glow Show* (Dus­ted Decks Re­cords, Leip­zig)
    Bre­ak­fast­Klub (Dus­ted Decks, Grim­ma-?Hal­le)
    Pa­ya­sos (Beat­bro­thers, Leip­zig)

Golden Toys – Party & Jive (Aniki’s Jive Turkey Remix)
Party and Jive (Anikis Jive Turky Remix Teaser)


    Kiss (Dus­ted Decks, Borna)
    Di­vini­ty (den­fis, Ber­lin)
    Va­nil­la (Dus­ted Decks, Leip­zig)
    Hen­ning Re­chen­berg (Dus­ted Decks, Chem­nitz)
    Jonni & Cash (Chaos Book­ing, Sound­of Sunshi­ne, Vil­la­ge­club)

Golden Toys – Party & Jive (Markus Lange & Djane Vanilla Remix)
Party and Jive (Markus Lange and Djane Vanilla aka Ostblockschlampen Remix Teaser)

    MI­NI­MAL­F­LOOR – VJ Ani­ma­ti­on by Plas­tin­ca

    Ron Flat­ter (Pour la vie, Halle)
    Foss & Stoxx (Pig­ment­stö­rung, Ge­rings­wal­de)
    Pete La­cazz (mos­quito­book­ing, Leip­zig)
    Phy­lip Loot­beg (mos­quito­book­ing, Leip­zig)

Golden Toys – Party & Jive (Bass Ventura Remix)
Party and Jive (Bass Ventura Remix Teaser)

    TECH­NOF­LOOR – Tour the Force

    Reche & Re­call (Mi­di­to­nal Re­cords, Erz­ge­bir­ge)
    Human like Ma­chi­nes -?li­ve-? (Mi­di­to­nal, Dres­den)
    NDK -?li­ve-? (raw­tu­nes, to­nal­book­ing, Dres­den)
    Fin Phran­klin -?li­ve-? (to­nal­book­ing, Dres­den)
    Rei­se­grup­pe Chaos -?li­ve-? (strezz­book­ing, Harz)
    Sven Hanke (ra­bau­ken­alarm, Riesa)

Golden Toys – Party & Jive (Deejay Divinity..s the Christophers Heaven Remix)
Party and Jive (Divinity Remix Teaser)


    Altes Zieh­werk De­litzsch
    Ei­len­bur­ger Ch­aus­see 68

Free Tickets?

    Go to there Mein/Studi VZ Group ?Golden Toys – my favourite noise ? an get yours! Good luck!

See You there – RAVEN! 🙂

Golden Toys

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