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Nick D-Lite Promoset May 2010

Check the new Promoset from Nick D-Lite! He’s startin with DJing since 1994 and toured many clubs in east germany. Heroes like boris dlugosch, boys noize, erol alkan, malente and many many many more influenced his style to techhouse – electro. and so he go on… the first releases are comin up, and sooo much more ;o)


Nick D-Lite

  1. Tweets that mention Nick D-Lite Promoset May 2010 | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on May 13
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lorenz. Lorenz said: [New post] Nick D-Lite Promoset May 2010 http://bit.ly/ckXX5h [...]