Filed under General, Mixtapes, Music

Into The Night with Jaimie Fanatic

Be one of the first guys, who could listen to the first Jaimie Fanatic tape shared on Mixcloud!! Great deep tech house by Amsterdam based DJ & Producer! Enjoy it!

Just look at the Infosection on Jaimie’s Mixcloud Page to find the Downloadlink! And don’t forget to follow him! =)

Jaimie Fanatic

  1. Tweets that mention Into The Night with Jaimie Fanatic | l0r3nz-music -- Topsy.com commented on May 17
    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lorenz, Lorenz. Lorenz said: [New post] Into The Night with Jaimie Fanatic http://bit.ly/c4Iuaa [...]