Found this 2 songs today – really banging stuff!
First is the We don’t care Remix by Beat & Bang from belgium. Disturbing sound! Listen and enjoy!
Audio Bullies – We Don’t Care (Beat & Bang Neither Remix)
We Don’t Care (Beat & Bang neither remix)
Second banger is the tribute track from Dan Sena! Ayemgee! He is (let me quote rcrdlbl) a friend of both AM’s (who would often email him production pointers) and our partners at Dim Mak, made “Ayemgee” is his memory–download it below and, if you feel inclined, make a donation to the DJ AM Memorial Fund, which aids addiction recovery programs, through his website.
Dan Sena – Ayemgee (RIP DJ AM)
Ayemgee (RIP DJ AM)
Beat & Bang, Dan Sena